Friday, 4 April 2014

The Potter and the Rebel

The Potter and the Rebel

So he came to a certain place and stayed there all night Because the sun had set…Gen.28:11 

Jacob was a schemer. 

The consequences of his deceptive nature compelled his flight from the place of blessing [Gen.27:42—43]. Full of trickeries and cunning, he proceeded as a fugitive on the way to Padan-Aram. It was on this journey, that we read, that the sun set when Jacob arrived at a certain place.[Gen:28:11]

The setting sun is the unmistakable sign of impending darkness. More than a mere indication of time, the setting of the sun, as indicated above, is representative of the descent of Jacob into the dark pools of confidence based on natural prowess.

Though Jacob was determined to travel on his self-chosen path, the Way out of his restlessness into the liberty of God’s presence was revealed to him [Gen.28:15, Jn.1:51].

This was to inform treacherous Jacob that his self-chosen ways had, for its banner a darkness endorsed by the frown of heaven. The sun had set. It refuses to shine over all such ways that men choose for themselves. Instead the only true Way to fullness of life was revealed to Jacob. All other ways lead to death [Prov.12:14].
For the natural man who is heavily burdened, weary and full of self. The Lord Jesus is revealed as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. All self-chosen routes in pursuit of abundance of life will meet with the unflinching disapproval of heaven [Isa.55:7-8]. We do not,  and we cannot determine our course in life. It is the prerogative of the Almighty to do so. The mysteries of life are deeper than any answers our finite brains are ready to proffer. The choices and decisions we make daily are paramount. Yet the holy Scripture is explicit in its declarations. Without me you can do nothing---Jn.15:5.  Necessarily then, we may rightly conclude that all who will run their own lives in their own way are nothing but fools [Prov. 28:26] 

We should learn from the life of Jacob, who deserted the fullness of his father’s house for the folly of vain pursuits. Self-will in the heart of this man was working its way out to full manifestation. From a home where there was shelter, food, and the priceless oversight of godly parents unto a way without God, and with no rest, while daily being exposed to the wild winds and to the cold nights, in danger of beasts and of bandits and without certainty of the next day let alone his destination, such was the path to which Jacob chose to travel on.

How applicable this is to us! Has God not provided on our behalf everything that is necessary for life and for godliness? [2Pt. 1:3] Yet why do we not take these things to heart? We interpret the love and goodness of the Father’s heart to be a censure of our freedom. Since the days of our fore-father Adam, mankind ever seeks independence from God and from all meaningful existence. Consequently, we prefer to make our way through life without God, enforcing crucial decisions, travelling but not with the fellowship of heaven or of God’s children, yet thoughtlessly journeying at our own peril and living very carefree of our eternal end.

Internationally the application is readily obvious. The nations of the earth and their rulers would have none of God. Laws of oppression favoring the rich, perversion of justice and constant revision of national constitutions expose our folly and at the same time declare our unwillingness to enthrone God. Not only do some nations disregard the word of God, others out rightly forbid it, some resent it, still there are those whose hatred declare it to be intolerant. But, man while hating the book of life have not been able to replace the Scriptures with anything capable of suggesting and producing life. Spiritually we are asleep and undoubtedly unconscious of the things that make for our peace. 

So was the plight of fleeing Jacob. Totally destitute of any refreshment along his own chosen way and inevitably tired, he slipped over the line of consciousness into a deep sleep. But this was not to last long. There can be no peace to the wicked. It is only to the righteous that the promise of undisturbed rest is given [Ps. 91]

Following the probations of grace via dreams, Jacob woke up and was afraid [Gen.28:17]. Afraid, but why was he afraid? Was his fear not an admission to the fact that there is a limitation to the realms in which cunning and trickeries can thrive? Visited by the presence of God, his nature cowered before the strength of Divine countenance. Jacob had no where to hide. Is it not true that none can hide from God [Ps.139, Heb.4:13]. The man who is full of self--will becomes afraid, when confronted with the word of truth [Heb.4:12]. This is so because, the word of God when revealed threatens all that he is, brings his problems to the surface, and exposes the impotence of his natural strength in the face of life’s struggles. It further calls for an utter abandonment of his original way to embrace an unnatural way. This we are always unwilling to consent to.

Jacob’s case proves it to be so. No happy response from Jacob attended the revelation of grace. Though the sharp conviction, which came with the manifestation of God’s will, forced him to acknowledge that place as Bethel, that is God’s house, he did not feel at home there.

Thus for fear of the undeniable witness to his heart, he hurriedly set up a pillar of stone as acknowledgment but withheld his heart from commitment. This is clearly seen in that he soon neglects the pillar of his acknowledgment to attend to the real thing in his heart. “Then Jacob made a vow saying, ‘ if God will be with me, and keep me in this way that I am going, and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on, so that I come back to my father’s house in peace, then the Lord shall be my God… and of all that you give me, I will surely give a tenth to you—Gen.28:20-22. 

God was calling Jacob to abandon self-will to embrace a spiritual way and to live a life morally recommendable; Jacob was offering God tithe and loyalty if God will do his bidding. There we have a revelation of the inclinations of “Christian ministries” as observed today .  

The Lord Jesus told us to pray thy will be done on earth. But Jacob’s prayer, in effect, was my will be done on earth by thou who art in heaven. Notice that, unlike his forefather Abraham, Jacob had no personal altar on the way he chose to travel on, yet he was audacious enough to ask the blessing of God on such a way!! Had he listen to the message of the revelation awarded him, he would he have been spared of the many years of unnecessary trouble that was ahead.  

But the man Jacob is an adequate picture of our spiritual malady today. With no heart for personal altars of communion we harden our hearts against the word of God, pursue after the desire of the gentiles in the guise of prayer and worship [Mtt.6:31-32]. And even tithe, not so much because we love God, but because we seek a double portion! The persistent clamor for God to financially and materially bless us while promising Him tithes and other fancied favors of our hearts characterizes our religion today. Indeed, many internationally acknowledged ministries retain this foolish request of Jacob as the fundamental commission of their churches!  If You will materially prosper me then I shall dedicate my strength to your service, pay my tithe regularly and raise mighty cathedrals to your Name.  It is appalling that, man would not even spare God in his mad desire for gain!! 

Scheming did not profit Jacob, it will not profit us either. The Lord did not argue with Jacob [Gen.6:3], rather, he led him safely to Laban knowing what awaits him there. Jacob having played the good boy for Laban for seven years received his first payment in the currency of deceit! For the first time, Jacob knew what it was like to be duped. Reality struck him hard. Laban was another crook!! 

Surely God knows who to put you with. Jacob needed polishing and Laban was the man for the job. Not only was Laban an old rogue. In a situation that could easily put Jacob to flight, Laban would easily explain his way out! [Gen.29:26]. All through Jacob’s stay with Laban, his pay was never directly proportional to his toil. Instead, it always followed the unscrupulous whims of Laban[Gen:31:41]. It dawned on Jacob that this was not a man to toy with. Jacob opted to back out.[Gen. 30:25]

But self is a bottomless pit that can never be filled. Laban unwilling to let go called for dialogue. Gen.30: 32-33 tells us the outcome of the meeting. Jacob could choose his wages so long as Laban was blessed. And nature must referee the game. Both men concurred to the new term of service. While Laban thought of draining the strength of the youthful Jacob into the service of maximal profit in animal production, Jacob considered reducing Laban to poverty level via induced reproduction. And though both lay claim to brotherhood, neither esteemed the other better than himself.  Greed reigned between them and fellowship was unknown in their dealings with one another.

This kind of relationship describes our denominations as we presently know them. People sit together on the same bench in the chapel and even employ the Christian titles of brother and sister in addressing one another but they do not know each other. Many do not even know the name of their pastor. The pastor is there to offer empty promises for tithes and offerings while the people are there to bribe God in trust for their breakthroughs. Both deceive themselves, shouting hallelujah as if to acknowledge the presence of God and eventually they exit the church scene mocking one another with. Bless you brother, bless you sister!!

Religious drama would however get us no where. God has not forgotten how to raise Laban's to purge us of folly. Today religions like Islam and killer diseases such as AIDS are major threats even to professing Christians. Islam is God’s whip to an unfaithful and spiritually unfocussed bride while AIDS is His scourge on the immoral abuse of liberty. He who has an ear to hear will hear.

The summation of all Jacob’s fleshly efforts was a bad name [Gen.31:1]. All his crafty scheming brought him nothing spiritually [Jn.6:63]. Even the material things he gained were a provision of providence as ordered by God Himself [31;11-12]. The story is still the same. We notice several nations today, who while despising God, nevertheless pride themselves in their military might, economic superiority and general greatness. Such nations even classify themselves as first-world countries while others are perceived as second or third world countries! Understanding among these are certainly darkened as they do not consider that the Lord Himself is the source of their imagined success. Rather their adulations are continuously ascribed to science and technology and that as the outcome of their hard work.

Beloved reader, have you really evaluated your life and come to conclude that your success in business, in marriage or academically is a mercy from the Lord? Is it really by your knowledge or experience that your way is prosperous? If you will be honest with your own soul, the answer is obvious. The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill—Eccl.9:11

Better men than yourself have not been materially prosperous, many experts in guidance and counseling do not have happy homes. You have outlived outbreaks of epidemic while the other man died of hypertension only because two playing kids chose to scream without prior notice. Pause and ask yourself, “Has the goodness of God led me to repentance?” or will you continue to insult the love of God by leading a life of open blasphemy? You need to think soberly and yield your heart to the mercies of the One who truly loves you. It is impossible to repent at leisure. You do not always have the time. Instead be resolutely determined to sever yourself from a questionable lifestyle, decisively refuse to continue taking God’s patience for granted and thus ceasing to insult  His grace.

The only thing that resulted from Jacob’s efforts was the displeasure of Laban, which saw Jacob on the run once again. It is true that God had ordered him to leave the home of Laban, Jacob could not tell Laban that God spoke to him. Laban had never known Jacob to be righteous and to tell Laban that he suddenly began to hear the voice of God, will be considered another smart move of an unrepentant fraudster!! 

It is a shameful thing when our testimony as Christians is concealed from unbelievers by the actions of our self-will. How shall they, who in their actions, daily cause the name of God to be blasphemed among the unbelievers, be suited for the purposes of evangelism? What audience would be willing to hearken to a preacher whose shady dealings in business are well known? How many times have you found it difficult and even ashamed to declare the will of God to your neighbor because you rightly discerned that they know you to be anything but spiritual and seeing a Bible clutched beneath your arms would only arouse their fears and suspicions as to what you are up to.

Jacob put the call of God on hold for a long time and consequently never rose higher than himself during those years he stayed with Laban. But having barely escaped from Laban, the realities of his ugly past soon emerged as running away from Laban did not bring peace to Jacob’s heart. Esau was approaching.  

Life is full of troubles and running away from problems will by no means help or bring about peace. A life without Christ is a life in crisis. We live in a world which apart from the help of God’s infinite power is most difficult to live in.  Jesus is the only One who is capable of absolving us of past iniquities, pardoning us in the present, while offering peace and guiding us into a peaceful future. 

This truth Jacob was yet to discover.  Uncertain, as to the next course of action, he cried out to the Lord. And no sooner had he lifted his voice that the Lord answered him. Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. O how heaven waits for that wail of penitence. How the Lord desires that we turn to Him. If only we would but show regret over our wrong way of life. Let it be made know that the Lord is not pleased with your sufferings and woes. Once in Isaiah we read that there was angelic music in heaven as those celestial beings praised God. But the cry of penitence from a human voice was heard screaming, and agonizing its way into the divine presence and as a result worship was interrupted in heaven that the spiritual need of that soul might be met! The cry of penitence from a repenting soul pleased the most High above the good worship of angelic host! [Isa.6:1-7]. 

Are you in trouble? Then you must realize that the Lord is He whom you need. A broken spirit and a contrite heart God will not refuse. You will receive mercy abundant by the grace of God if you will rend your heart in penitence and acknowledge your weakness before the God of heaven.

Even after praying, Jacob still fearing that God might fail, schemes another plan by dividing his family into camps. He still could not trust God fully.  But grace would not give up on a living man, thus the Lord sent His Angel to wrestle Jacob out of his natural strength. But the Angel of the Lord met active resistance in Jacob [32;35].

His natural abilities, not the devil, were his greatest barriers. He had a strong point in life that he was unwilling to let go. Jacob must be broken if he must be molded. To this end, the Angel of the Lord crippled him for life. And it was as that aged form began to helplessly lean on his staff that the rebel was made suitable for the skillful fingers of the Great Potter.

Now totally weak, his help must come from elsewhere. All that he was in himself came to a violent end. There was nothing to boast of now. Weakness was written all over the man. This is the function of the Cross. [Gal.5:24]. Self is crucified thereon. All that prevent communion with God and makes us consider ourselves self-sufficient are promptly dealt with when we approach the cross. Jacob had to learn that God’s strength is made perfect in weakness. But this is precisely what the majority do not wish to learn today and though God continues to wrestle men out of their natural vigor they have responded with much resistance so that He is saying, “My Spirit shall not always strive with man.”  My friend, have you learnt the same lesson or are you still relying on the strength of your intellectual capacity, wealth or beauty. These are feeble weapons in the face of life’s battles. You must die to self if you will achieve God’s purpose for your life and be transported to the place of His blessing. God must work in you until you can say,  I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live yet not I, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me—Gal.2:20 

Now divested of strength and self, It was at this point that Jacob moved in the direction of God’s design  for him, Jacob worshipped leaning on his staff—Heb.11:21. O how God had desired for decades to bring Jacob to this point!  Jacob worshipped! Wrestling Jacob leaned on his staff! 

Friend, will you worship? How long will you make God wait? Will you not rather surrender to him now? Will you not make up your mind and rather come to Calvary? God awaits you there. Your past irrespective, grace will see that you are fully cleansed, pardoned  and transformed into a saint. 

Following this event, Jacob reached Penuel which means the face of God and we read that just as he reached Penuel the sun rose on him and he limped on his hip—Gen32:31

The sun with it rays of glory rose over him and things began to change for we read, he erected an altar—33:20] His vision no longer constituted the pursuit of vanity. His supreme consciousness now rested on the spiritual. Religion presently began to mean more than an avenue of seeking one’s own ends rather it now suggested communion with the heavens and fellowship with the Almighty. Thus the ultimate design of the Potter was gradually but steadily being achieved.

Dear reader, face it squarely, is yours a life of rebellion? Does God reign supreme in every department of your life? Perhaps it does not cross your mind that He who made you had a design in mind for you. But are you fulfilling that purpose for which you were designed? You have heard the word of God several times, but it has meant nothing to you. Without God and without truth, the pursuit of vanities has dimmed the possibility of true spiritual perception in your life, and you are uncertain of your eternal future.

Your happy home, successful marriage, flourishing business and intellectual attainments are set to limit. What is the worth of your soul? Are the things that presently becloud your vision of the spiritual, and cause you to neglect eternal things, really worth your attention?

How long shall you continue to run from youself? Moment after moment grace brings to your awareness that you are being rebellious against the authority of heaven and that the earth has no hiding place for you, yet you would seek to expel such thoughts with empty religious efforts. Reading Christian books, associating with Christian believers, praying with them and doing things in common do not make you a Christian. Perhaps God’s demand over your life continues to meet with hostility, so that you are discovered to be prolonging the contest. Beware! Should Deity throw in the towel, your doom is sealed. You do not have all the time.

Christ awaits you. No matter how far you have gone. No matter how marred your life has been, the Son of God will make you. He will mold you and He will present you a vessel fit for the Master’s use. The sun sets at the command of the Most High God and will undoubtedly rise over you at His direction, if you will return to Him. May the Lord give you wisdom as you deeply ponder this message. Amen. 
But unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and you shall go forth,  and grow like calves of the stall--Mal.4:2

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