We live in perilous times. All over the world, turbulent visions confound world powers. Global insecurity exposes the impotence of peace-movements, while moral decline is steadily being accepted as a universal culture.
Governments of the world may have diagnosed the various social and moral ailments, which threaten societal health. Yet, they are confirmed powerless, as their remedies do nothing to procure the healing of these wounds.
Pharaoh, one-time most powerful ruler on earth, saw visions of ruin [Gen. 41:1-7]. Nebuchadnezzar, ex-global potentate, favored with apocalyptic glances into ages unborn, saw the certain destruction of the ungodly [Dan.2:31-35].
In both cases, righteous men whose devotional lives are attuned to the frequency of genuine spirituality, arose to arrest the situation. Joseph standing before Pharaoh, in the former case, gave his advice with the voice of one who, in secret, had maintained an unbroken fellowship with the Almighty. Daniel in the latter case spurned royal favors and even imperiled his own life for the greater task of seeking the face of God.
Unfortunately, our generation presents the contrast. While we improvise on the loathsome abominations of ancient empires, visions of doom continue to register frequent visits to our undeniable awareness, and few, if any, are willing to commit themselves to intercessory prayers.
There is a growing need for intercessors today. Such scarcity of praying believers once provoked a lamentation from the sacred lips of Jehovah, “ And I sought a man among them to stand in the gap before Me and make a wall but I found no one—Ezek.22:30
No one is concerned enough to arrest the brazen spread of death and destruction through the efficacy of consistent intercession. Instead, each is devoted to his own interests. All are given to profitless ways, while Deity mournfully groans with distressful sighs.
In times like these, though spiritual death and moral decadence gallivant our streets, we have chosen to remain careless and this has reduced us to a kingdom destitute of watchmen. Indeed, sighs of misery, omens of impending disaster, and the vileness of perverted religion adequately describe the nations of the earth today.
Governments have failed and are still failing. Great movements of human design have proven powerless before the woes that betide mankind. In spite of our dogged determination in the political as well as in the religious and intellectual realms, it is evident that man has come to his wits end.
Help must come from elsewhere. Any aid originating from within the framework of creation is destined to fail. Succor must be sought from without the realm of men.
Yet the Lord delights in coming to our rescue. Until now, He continues to search in patience, to see if there are any that understands what it means to represent mankind before Deity and vice-versa. Blessed be Jesus Christ our Lord who has perfectly met the requirement of the Father as the Ideal Intercessor, but He yet seeks men to partner with Him. Unfortunately, the result of His search has not been encouraging [Matt.9:37]. Men insist on looking to themselves rather than looking unto Jesus.
This in itself calls for intercession. That humanity might be lifted from the folly and illusion of looking to itself for answers unto the blessed reality of relying upon God for solutions.
Brethren, the practice of prayer has suffered much neglect and is rusting from disuse. Men ought always to pray—Luke 18:1. This is no time to faint. The injunction of the apostle Paul to believers was to, Pray without ceasing—1 Thess.5:17. The very thing we are reluctant to do.
My friend, do the political upheavals throughout the nations grieve you? Does your spirit cringe over the rebellious lives men live? Does the steady decline of godly principles and virtues that threaten the moral foundations of society agitate you? Is it surprising to you that wickedness and oppression seemingly prevail over justice and truth? How about the powerlessness of the professing church which has degenerated into nothing but a mere dilettante organization? Does it not kill your joy that the foot of the enemy is on the neck of the professing church?
It is not enough to merely comment on these things or pitifully whine over them. It is only right that you must come apart. Seek wisdom with the sacred penman, Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of hanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth—1 Tim.2:1-4.
And because this is good in the sight of God our Savior, we can be sure that, this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us—1 Jn.5:14. Dear one, the ball is in your court and mine. Will you like Daniel and Joseph rise up in devotion through intercession to join in carving the course of humanity, or will you continue to recline in a disapproving complacency at the expense of human woes? The choices are but two; Partnering with God in undoing evil or drifting carelessly atop the forbidden calm of the ocean of human helplessness. Each must decide for himself. God be with you.
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