Fight the Good Fight
Athens in ancient Greece is one of the most outstanding cities of all time. Its unique place in history is widely acknowledged throughout the world for its beauty, splendor, commerce and above all excellence in education. Its poetry, literature, arts and philosophies has greatly influenced modern thinking and has continued to win the wonder of elites in all generations.
Amazingly, one man saw differently. Amidst the material splendor and vast intellectual wealth of Athens, we read that the apostle Paul saw that the city was given to idols.-Acts.17:16.This without doubt was an exceptional estimate of Athens. The majority could never have agreed with the apostle. Athens was a city with everything heart could ever wish for. Intellectual or material, Athens boasted of the best this world had to offer. Students and sculptors, architects or artistes, every visitor to the ancient city will return with so much to wonder about.
It was in spite of the wonderful attractions of that vastly organized society that the apostle evaluated the land and its people with a different spirit. As believers, Paul’s example offers godly instructions to us and so this contemplation focuses on how Christians can bring the touch of God upon a generation that sees itself as Post-Christian.
Amazingly, one man saw differently. Amidst the material splendor and vast intellectual wealth of Athens, we read that the apostle Paul saw that the city was given to idols.-Acts.17:16.This without doubt was an exceptional estimate of Athens. The majority could never have agreed with the apostle. Athens was a city with everything heart could ever wish for. Intellectual or material, Athens boasted of the best this world had to offer. Students and sculptors, architects or artistes, every visitor to the ancient city will return with so much to wonder about.
It was in spite of the wonderful attractions of that vastly organized society that the apostle evaluated the land and its people with a different spirit. As believers, Paul’s example offers godly instructions to us and so this contemplation focuses on how Christians can bring the touch of God upon a generation that sees itself as Post-Christian.
While I certainly do not agree with this description, Post-Christian, inasmuch as the church of God is yet on earth offering the grace and peace of God to mankind. No one however will doubt the fact that the age really appears to have outgrown true revivals, neither can we deny that the Holy Bible is no longer revered by the majority as the infallible guide for human life as it is suppossed to be. It is true that the name of God and of His Christ though known to many no longer command worship in the lives of the majority as humanity profanely move towards values that emphasizes distance from God and brazenly denies His sovereignty.
The question to ask is, "what is the role of the gospel worker in a Post-Christian generation?" Before we attempt an answer, let me say that the term "Post-Christian" not only tells us how the world sees itself in relation to the claims of the Lord. It is at once a description that actually describes the present attitude of man towards God.
The dark ages, the reformation, and other previous eras all had one objective; To bring the love, grace and peace of God to ignorant and failing mankind. On the contrary, today’s missionary is faced with a people who have heard the name of Jesus Christ, and understood His claims, a people who have seen mighty moves of God and have tasted of the powers of the world to come but who presently sees Christian principles as worn-out and irrelevant in today’s world.
This is a matter of serious concern. There is a steady erosion of Christian values as the world is the name of modernization pursues laws and lifestyles that directly contradict the will of God. We started this contemplation with Athens. This is because it bears an obvious parallel to our experience today. The emphasis in today’s world is on education, civilization, magnificence and license which is generally disguised as liberty.
As it was in the days of the apostle so it is now. Seeking God is no longer in vogue. Acquiring degrees, building magnificent cities and tourist centers, promoting entertainments and pleasures of all sorts, debating and signing into law abominations which previously were done secretly is now the in-thing in our morally broken world.
So it was in Athens whose beauty and education drew many to its borders so much that there was always something new to talk about. But on the day the apostle set foot in Athens we have an idea of how God’s spirit saw the land Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols--17:16
Paul saw the city not as beautiful or intellectual, he saw very differently. He saw as the Spirit of God saw. Through the length and breadth of that town there was moral chaos and spiritual disorderliness. The things that moved profane mortals rather provoked the apostle. He saw the city in its true condition, he observed the darkness spread over the people, and their ignorance of the one true God.
And unless we do the same, except we see the present condition of things in their true worth, all attempts to move God for the revival of our lands will simply continue as mere wishes. If we do not, like Paul, see that mankind has drifted far away from the almighty and has determined to build and run their lives according to unbiblical principles then we cannot act for God and people must remain captive around us.
The spiritual darkness over Athens was not without moral effect. For all the Athenians and the foreigners who were there spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear some new thing—Acts17: 21
Think about it. As it is in our own land today, virtually every youth you meet on the way is actually busy with a phone. Draw near and you’ll find what kills the time of these people. Facebook, twitter, 2go and all such programs have literally overpowered our young ones. Hardly can you find a youth who is not occupied with a phone. Notice how the Bible is going out of circulation as Pastors and members now proudly display electronic gadgets with a Bible program. For our youths the danger is obvious. They can open Bible programs alongside their favorite sites. And such study is suppossed to raise godly people? What happened to the days when boys and girls had to learn a memory verse every week until it became part of their spirits? How is it that the holy Scriptures no longer have an appeal to our young ones? If only we would by the grace of God see things in their true nature then we cannot fail to be provoked. We cannot but become jealous for the name of our God and for the multitudes of souls heading towards eternal destruction. Beloved, we must begin to stir up ourselves and rise to the challenges before us in the name and authority of our God.
Presently we shall direct our attention to the days of Daniel. This is because godly Daniel was one person whose prayers unlocked heaven when darkness ruthlessly prevailed over his people. Israel the vehicle and medium of God’s revelation to mankind had failed in its assignment. The God who brought their fathers out of Egypt and into Canaan amidst unprecedented miracles had faded from their vision. The nation had become post-judaistic. The affairs, gods and values of gentile nations had won their affection and become more real to them than the presence and power of invisible Jehovah. The consequence was disastrous. They loved idolatry and for this reason God gave them over to captivity in a nation where idolatry reigned.
But we thank God for Daniel. He not only rose up to the challenge and found favor with God. He continues today as a model worthy of emulation by any Christian who will avail himself of heavenly use. Daniel entered into fasting and prayer [Dan.10:3] and when the answer came through angelic agency, the messenger had serious things to tell the prophet. Dan.10:12-21. Particularly of note is the revelation about what goes on in the unseen realm. The angel made it known that there were hostile powers in heavenly places seeking to hinder the illumination of truth and its penetration into the hearts of men. He referred to territorial demons, the "prince of Persia" and a confederacy of evil spiritual princes assigned to Persia, "the kings of Persia" coming together to combat the messenger angel.
It implies therefore that there are no isolated events on earth. Everything in this world ranging from the philosophies, music, fashion, entertainment and manner of life on earth are largely controlled and conditioned by spirits who seek to keep men occupied with things other than God. Paul had this in mind when he said, For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places--6:12. It is very common to find whole communities devoted to vice, it could be murder, sexual immorality, gambling etc. These things have demonic backing. He who would move against them with an intent to bring God's liberty must be ready to do battle. This kind does not give way but by praying and fasting.
The angel told Daniel, how God had answered his prayers from day one but we find demons bringing a barrier for three full weeks. The reason is clear, For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek--Rm.1:17 and And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free--Jn. 8:32. It is only the truth contained in God’s word that can set us free. We may continue to lament the failing state of things, we may even severly denounce them as much as we want but God’s word and only God’s word can bring deliverance. One can read the Bible or attend a gathering and yet the truth will not come forth when the word of God is opened. The enemy has no problem with us reading the Bible as long as we read it as another literature book. It is the truth, which requires spiritual illumination that can set us free. But if we would that these truth break upon the hearts of men not just in letter but in substance and in spirit, then consistent prayer cannot be ruled out.
It goes without saying that this will not be found pleasant to the flesh. Persistence in intercessory prayers is not for lazy people. It is the portion of those who determine to, against all odds trust in God and dedicate quality time to seeking His face. And that is why the apostle called prayer labor. Any praying Christian interceding for the will of God to be done on earth everyday will admit it is labor. The prayer of Daniel is worth considering 9:3-19). It has much by way of instruction for godly intercessors.
Beloved, perhaps you have been laboring in preaching and teaching and have seen no fruit. It is even possible that you open God’s word and it does not open up to you, please know that it is not God’s will that it should be so. His will is to prosper your ministry, to illuminate your heart and to give you utterance as you share His word.
Paul clearly said, the god of this world has blinded the hearts of men (2 Cor.4:4). Are you surprised that some who appear to listen to you seem unstable? That is not normal. ‘The wicked one snatches the word from their hearts’ or chokes it with thorns. Men may shy away from the truth but Satan will do everything to keep them in bondage.
This is the point. Negative Forces are in contention against you as a believer and no weapon in their arsenal will be spared even if evil confederacies must be formed to stop you if you are trying to stand for the truth. That is why as believers we are urged to contend for the faith. Our calling involves spiritual wrestling and confrontations.
Please understand the satanic determination to prevent truth from reaching man. The principalities that fought the angel knew very well that Gabriel was an angel with God’s backing to reach Daniel with divine revelation. But this did not deter them. They moved to stop him and were able to win a delay for three full weeks until God intervened. If a man was entering ministry to seek popularity or wealth, the devil has no quarrel with him. If the intention is to merely rehearse bible themes so you can teach them to others in bible study, Satan has nothing against you. Satan reserves his deadly antagonisms for those who like Daniel aim to bring the true meaning of God’s word to the awareness of failing men.
Daniel however had certain qualities that made God intervene in the conflict. We shall do well to consider them. First he was very disciplined. While other youths were drinking royal wine and eating kingly foods, he chose to judge a common routine such as eating by heaven's stamdard. Consequently he separated from food offered to idols to keep his consecration. How different it is with us. Only God knows how many promising christians sacrifice their sanctification on the altar of gluttony. It may be difficult to find serious believers addicted to drugs but it is certainly not hard to find them addicted to profitless snacks and drinks. These ones forget easily that food for the stomach and the stomach for food, God will do away will both (1Cor.6:13). Others are so undisciplined that their appetites work contrary to Christ (1Cor.8:13). My friends, when we yield ourselves to God everything becomes holy. Nothing is to be treated as common. Eating, drinking, dressing and even sleeping may be counted as trivial among others but not so with us who carry the testimony of heaven. Everything is to be done as unto the Lord. If we are not disciplined God cannot use us. He never sends those who lap water like a dog into his army. All things may be lawful but not all things are expedient. Unfortunately the lack of discipline has sacked the anointing of God upon many people and has rendered them profitless for the kingdom.
Second, Daniel was studious. It was actually a study of God’s word that moved him to pray, In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the lineage of the Medes who was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans, in the first year of his reign I Daniel, understood by the books the number of years specified by the word of the Lord through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem. Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fastin, sackcloth and ashes--Dan 9:1-3 Invoking God’s name and spirit through prayer without a corresponding study of His word is to waste precious time and to prepare to pray amiss. The word of God to the Christian is simple, Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth—2 Tim.2:15. He talks to us through His word and we respond via prayers.
Third, Daniel prayed consistently. We ought always to pray (Lk.18:1, 1Th.5:17) Reading the bible without praying won’t get anyone far. If we continually feed ourselves with the word of God, we ought to water it down our spirits with corresponding prayer. The Lord speaks to us through His word and we speak to Him through our prayers. Our Lord Jesus urged us to watch and pray while His apostle advised that we pray without ceasing.
Fourth, Daniel was in fellowship with like-minded saints. This was absolutely necessary. We must continue in the apostles doctrine. Any teaching or doctrine that encourages distance from church life is unscriptural and is to be avoided. The new testament in no place countenances a solitary Christian life apart from the Christian church. Those who teach so are preaching another gospel. Jesus sent out the disciples in twos. The book of Hebrews directly warn against those who abhorr Christian meetings (Heb.10:25). Iron sharpens iron. We are to be of encouragement to one another.
Please note carefully that though Daniel’s academic ability was acknowledged as belonging to the class of genius, his intelligence was never a factor in touching God. Education may be good but it cannot be recognized when negotiating revivals with God. It is the carnal attempt to be like the nations that has caused many churches in our land today to require at least a university degree to recognize God’s call upon a person’s life. This is absurd and does not reflect God’s position.
When a person, learned or illiterate studies the bible, prays earnestly, fellowships with others and with a disciplined life continues to seek God’s face, heaven does not mind entering into conflict with hell in order to reach that soul.
Then the opportunity is ours to use. If the Lord answered Daniel would he not answer us. He actually encourages us to call on Him. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need--Heb 4:16. Beloved, let us again return to our Lord. Let us draw near with a true heart and He will draw near us and revive us again for even so he has promised us. Daniel rose to the challenge in his own time and was honored by God, Paul did not sit back and heaven acknowledged him. what then will your response be? The Lord be with you.
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