Sanctify Yourselves
In a great house… vessels of gold and silver…wood and clay,
some for honor and some for dishonor—2 Tim.2:20
David's call to the priests was, “sanctify yourselves.” The ark of testimony which was the symbol of God's presence among His people was heading for its place of rest [1 Chr.1:12-14]. And all who would travel with it in outward proximity must be set apart in the Spirit of holiness. Previous attempts to accompany the ark on its journey based on mere zeal and carnal enthusiasm invited the wrath of God and brought down His judgment upon such disastrous presumption [1 Chr.15:13].
Likewise, believers are called to be holy as God is holy [1 Pt.1:16]. If we would be outwardly identified with the name and purpose of the Lord Jesus, who is God with man, as was the ark on earth, we must desist from everything that dishonors God‟s name and attempt to frustrate His purpose in this world [2 Tim.2:17, 2 Cor.6:14]
The contents of the ark are revealed to us, it had the manna, Aaron's rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant-Heb.9:4. These items contained in the ark are full of spiritual significance. The manna speaks of the Lord Jesus as our bread from heaven [John 11], Aaron's dry rod budding and blossoming with life tells of Christ as our Resurrection and life [John 8.] and the tablets declare the Lord Jesus to be God's covenant of truth with mankind [John 14:6]. Any who choose to identify with the Lord Jesus and His cause in this world must have fed on the heavenly manna, experienced the power of resurrection in his soul and must have received the truth about Christ in whom are hid all treasures of the Godhead [Col.2].