Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Sodomy: The coming dimension

Sodomy: The Coming Dimension
Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom; Give ear
 to the law of our God, you people of Gomorrah--Isaiah 1:10
Prophet Isaiah’s choice of words in indicting Israel calls for serious attention. That stern servant of God while announcing his denunciations on the Lord’s professing people addressed them as Sodom and Gomorrah.

If we carefully study the context in which our opening text was uttered we notice that the people of God were not literally practicing sensual indulgence such as describes the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Yet the Lord designated them by those terrible names which have altogether come to be identified with and even represent perversion and profanity. This necessarily implies that some very appalling principle of evil was prevalent among the Israelites.

To investigate the spiritual import of heaven’s intent when the Lord through His messenger decided to refer to His own as Sodom and as Gomorrah, we must first consult with the Holy Spirit on that which ought to be the normal state of things.
Paul, that great Christian apostle proclaimed a profound spiritual truth using a physical illustration when he wrote, For the husband is the head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church --Eph.5:23

Thus we see from the passage that the original idea of marriage among mankind is that the man represents Christ and the woman represents the church. Reducing that principle to the realm of nature we can rightly conclude that marriage is a literal demonstration of a spiritual reality.

The blessed relationship which we would enjoy with our Lord for all eternity is best captured in that almost indescribable intimacy known only in marital life. We have known God as Master, we’ve encountered Him as Father, as Creator we are used to Him  but we are yet to know Him fully as Husband. The Holy Spirit will in the coming age present us as a spotless Bride to our Groom who is the Holy Son of God. This is our blessed hope.

But men, as it was in ancient Sodom and Gomorrah, until now rejects God’s revealed pattern of man marrying woman. Instead, against all spiritual and social sanity, they are attracted to one another [Rom.1:27]

That which I seek to point out is the deadly principle that homosexuality preaches. Man lying with man demonstrates the fast approaching manifestation of some spiritual perversion. We are gradually advancing into the era of a dark spiritual reality which is fearfully dawning upon our earthly scene.

That Sodomites are being ordained in the denominations should also readily inform us that religion will play a prominent role in the demonstration of this travesty. Read our opening text again and observe that the rulers were specifically addressed as not giving heed to the law of God and the people themselves loving it so[Isa.1:10-11]. Even so, political and religious rulers today tolerate this abomination and society welcomes it.  

Don’t get confused. Though mankind was meant to bow to Christ only, the truth is, humanity will ultimately choose to cast off the veil of piety and break through the bonds of all moral and spiritual restraints to wantonly sodomize with one from among themselves.

Man having intercourse with man, demonstrates the joining of mankind to man the same way the church ought to be joined to the Lord Jesus. Few rail against the disgusting literal practice of this taboo called homosexuality, fewer still if any lament the sinister reality which it portends. This evil not only attempts to usurp the place of the blessed Son of God, in principle, but it unmistakably installs, recognizes and declares that man is head, creator, carver and husband of the human race. And to this end, Messiahship would be dangerously sought in one of flesh and blood.

Human devotion will be dedicated to another man who will promise provision, pleasure and protection to the world; just all that the Lord Jesus is meant to be to His church and to Adam’s race at large.

Presently it is noticeable that religious and political movements are gradually entering into an unholy wedlock and alarmingly ascending the altar of this disastrous reality.

Watch it closely, are there not those who will never read the Bible themselves to draw convictions from God’s Spirit? Yet, such people would ardently pursue another man’s teaching as though it were the inspired word itself.

Notice how in our land, men have come to put their faith in religious leaders so much that they would even seek to mimic their voice, dress like them, preach their exact messages and do everything else like them. Once I challenged a person on this issue and twisting the meaning of God’s word, this was the response I got, When Jesus was about to be arrested, the disciples were so much like him that the enemy couldn’t identify which of them was Jesus. In other words, we must become conformed to the lives of our leaders in every single detail! When the average Nigerian Christian speaks, one can easily tell from which denomination he hails provided the person recognizes the voice or mannerisms of the one who founded the denomination. Indeed, here in West Africa, I have observed so-called bishops dress like and even preach verbatim with the same mannerisms the messages of their American “mentors” preached a few days earlier. Ah! Brethren we are already drifting.

Politically, mankind will be attracted towards one-man who will seduce them and deceptively drag away every reason to believe in some “abstract and distant phenomenon called God”

More jobs, tolerance, peace, security and every-other thing that man desires and that God alone can give, will be promised in a treacherously attractive package of lies. Lamentably, the majority will fall for the deception of that lying prince. To humanity's loss, religion will equally bow to the same falsehood.

Friends, have you recently noticed the ever increasing but dreadful vacuum opening up both in the political and religious realms? That space is daily characterized by a crying vacancy for immediate gratification of fallen humanity’s perverse desires.

This will give way to a conflict whose aim is to do away with God and to give us a king who will judge us and go out before us and fight our battles—1 Sam.8:20. Politically and spiritually the demand is for one whom we can see, whom we can touch and whom we can discern by our senses.

And our request is that he would fight our battles, a global war against “religious intolerance,” unemployment, insecurity and all enemies of democracy. The request will be granted and the vacancy will be filled. The sons of men will find from among themselves one who will presume to fill that position. May the Lord have mercy on us like Saul the son of Kish, the so-called king who will be the product of our lust will hail from a hitherto insignificant “tribe” and that with a meteoric rise to power. He will be more “handsome” than all [1.Sam9:2] that is, he will sway the hearts of all with great admiration and love for his person and ideals. Everything about him will please the populace.

And as humanity, political and spiritual, becomes joined to him, he will conquer our global enemies. The things that trouble the people and disturb the nations [1 Sam.11:5]. Peace, prosperity, equality and security will be his baits and the gullible like fish doomed to die will raise shouts of "hallelujahs!” to hail the genius of their "solution" proffering mortal.

But watch it, Christianity which he had seemed to tolerate at the outset, he will gradually exalt himself over. His national speeches will begin to read, Saul and Samuel and not vice-versa as originally deceptively asserted [1 Sam.11:7].

Being endeared to the masses, who will madly seek to kill any opposition to the wonderful messianic government [1 Sam.11:12], he will feign peace [1Sam.11:13]. A “peace” that would pretend to offer the right hand of fellowship to Christianity for Samuel [representing christianity]  himself had opposed the installation of Saul [a type of those who despise God] from the beginning [1Sam8:6]

But his peace offers will not last [2Cor.6:14] He will eventually intrude into priestly office thus declaring himself the indispensable head of the people [1Sam.13:9] Religion will be maintained but only according to the dictates of this he-god.

It would be beyond the scope of this study to go into details but we shall do well to note the horrors that will follow this spiritual sodomy. Like the son of Kish, mankind’s self-acclaimed deliverer will eventually cast of all pretensions and will not tolerate anything less than being acknowledged as the only potentate, political or religious. For this reason, he will kill the priests of the Lord by the sword of an Edomite [1 Sam22:18], disregard God’s prophet [1Sam.15:8-9] and persecute His chosen one unto the desolate places of the earth [1Sam.22:1]

The priest represents true worship, which will be put out during those days of unprecedented darkness. The prophet stands for sound Scriptural teaching which will be actively disregarded as senseless fanaticism and God’s chosen ones are His faithful few who will refuse to bow to government at the expense of spiritual fidelity and will suffer greatly for the same cause.

 Even more horrifying is the fact that this ruler who is man’s choice, presumably began by talking with God[1Sam.9:8-10], descended into counseling with man [1 Sam.22:7-8] and eventually sunk to the depths of consulting demons [1Sam.28:12]

Beloved, let’s draw the matter closer, this is no time to eat, drink and be merry. As pilgrims, we are not yet at home. The injunction to watch and pray as directed by the Lord has never been more relevant than now. Check that subtle influence creeping up in your soul, desiring gratifications that heaven frowns over. Are you already giving to another lord that which alone should belong to Christ? May the Lord forbid that you be prepared for an unholy participation in the approaching spiritual Sodom.

But consider your own heart. Aren’t you already being mastered by an habit whose origin in your life began as harmless and even compatible with Christianity? And has this habit not quenched the voice of the Spirit in your heart, hardened your conscience and banished every will to truly worship God or heed His word? Is this not now leading to you attacking the ones Christ died for only because it appears to be in your power to do so?  

Perhaps you are rejoicing in the wonders of our “civilizing” world. Where paradise is promised by another perishable mortal, a situation where all are dangerously glued to one man. Then know this, God’s judgment will not spare such as are found to be spiritual slaves of another man.

Listen to Apostle James outrage against all such, Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself and enemy of God. Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, “The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously”?  Jm. 4:4-5

Yearns jealously! No words of mine could have said it better. Only God qualifies to be the Husband of all humanity. We shall both do well to close this study with some advice from the lips of a wise man, for jealousy is a husband’s fury; therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance—Prov.6:34. The Lord is that Husband and we are drawing close to that day of vengeance. God be with you.  

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