Our fathers during their generations on earth always looked forward to the coming of rain. A little delay in annual rainfall was to them unacceptable. Periods of drought or lack of rainfall was considered a bad omen which indicated that something had gone wrong. Prolonged drought was always interpreted to be the result of much sin which can only be remedied by appeasing the gods. Rainfall was so important to our ancestors that they would go any length to offer ritual sacrifices no matter how costly, provided the return of rain was assured. Today, the mere sight of gathering clouds is enough to disrupt business proceedings and even empty our streets within the twinkle of an eye. Rainfall is no longer seen as a blessing, as a matter of fact, if men had the power they would have since shut the heavens over themselves. Let the sky show the slightest promise of rainfall and adults will be seen scampering off the streets, mothers can be sighted in great panic making hasty phone calls to the schools of their children, while farmers who ordinarily should rejoice at the prospect of rain are the first to begin to tremble and grumble.