In approaching this meditation, we come to a subject out of which has already sprung countless sermons and songs, several books and biographies. Admittedly then, we are about to travel on familiar grounds. For this very reason, we must tread cautiously lest we allow previous acquaintance with the text rob us of its ever-present freshness. May the blessed Spirit of truth guide our feet into paths of understanding as we patiently explore this treasure mine together.
Our text is a very popular one. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen—Heb.11:1. If we pass over that passage in a hurry, we shall without doubt, see nothing of value other than a superficial impressiveness that would cause us to miss great thoughts which can only be discovered by patient researchers. However, if we draw closer to examine the declaration with care and caution, we shall be rewarded with spiritual insights that would strengthen our belief in God and gainfully brighten our vision of Him.
Faith is described in two ways. First, it is the substance, that is, the certainty of things hoped for. Next, it is said to be the evidence of things not seen. Before we go into any detailed analysis we must note two things which are always in danger of being overlooked even by very sensitive minds.
Faith, when described as the substance of things hoped for, obviously directs our gaze to the future while faith when presented as the evidence of things not seen seeks to fasten our attention on things presently with us though obscure to the natural eye.
Taking the first of these profound declarations, we are introduced to faith as the substance of things hoped for. In other words, it is the present surety of certain things which must happen in the future. “But” someone may be inclined to hurriedly object, “That is already obvious.” True, but please follow patiently with me for we have only just touched the portal of a vast treasure-land.
What then are the things hoped for? What things are Christian believers, those who have trusted in God for salvation and are walking with Him, looking forward to? Perhaps, we would better appreciate the question if we start our inquiry on a level relevant to every man whether born-again or not.
What is it that man, any man, and not just the Christian believer, seek in his daily pursuit? What thoughts occupy man‟s waking hours? Towards what goals does daily he expend his energies? Let us attempt to name some of them; Men seek immortality; this is demonstrated in his naming of stadiums, universities and other institutions after those who have departed.
The quest for justice expresses itself in the universal cry for democracy—A system of government which promises equal treatment to all. Constant researches on how to bring the earth into harmony with its great potentialities in the presence of forces that oppose that intention clearly evince the desire for a new earth.
Yet, however man tries, he only makes but feeble attempts at satisfying these innate yearnings. A building named after a man is not the man himself. Indeed, people do not think of the personality of the one whom a school or stadium is named after even when they necessarily talk about the institutions.
If someone asks me, if there was an airport in Lagos, my reply coming with certainty should sound something like this, “Of course, that's the home of the Muritala Mohammed international airport” but when I do say that, I am not then thinking about Muritala Mohammed himself but of the airport!
Great as Obafemi Awolowo was in Nigeria and Africa, when we talk about that highly respectable university named after him, the man does not come to mind. Instead the academic prowess of the institution engages our wonder. This same man who for decades, had died was medically preserved at great financial costs with the intent that distant generations of his unborn children might see him. Today, after only a few
decades, medical science comes up with a reason why the man must be buried. The corpse is not the same as the man!
Talking about justice, let me speak for our part of the world, democracy has done nothing to better the cause of justice. It has rather instituted a political/financial caste system so that its true principle is survival of the strongest. The fittest do not count here.
A certain group of people rule and dominate at the expense of the poor. Positions are never gained through votes or competence. They are only available to those who have close ties with men in the corridors of power. The Republic of Zaire for instance, in the name of democracy suffers from the tyrannical rule of a despot for almost three decades. One man at the expense of the masses has so enriched himself that he now lends money to his country! Perhaps democracy in some other places may not be as foul as it is here we still can safely affirm that never yet has there been a nation where justice has truly reigned, democracy or no democracy.
Still on justice, who in Nigeria can lay claim to being safe where the attorney general for the federation was murdered in cold blood in broad daylight in a capital city! How is it that one who upon being discovered in a hideout, turned up on the news to give us information on how he and his colleagues were hired to assassinate the attorney, and supporting his claims with time, place and date, was announced sometime later to be “insane” and therefore talking under that influence.
Isn't it appalling that the killers until today have not been found and nothing is being done about it? How about the many people deliberately shot and reported by the police to have been victims of stray bullets? We can enquire on and on but we have a study at hand and should proceed.
Contemplating on nature and the betterment of the earth, one thing is indisputable; with each increasing effort of man, the earth only gets more artificial and distant from the wonders of nature. Even policies and bills passed in the parliament to refine and regulate human behavior and ultimately result in a “new earth” has constantly failed.
Everything that man desires but which, all alone by himself has failed to achieve and can never achieve on his own, God has made provisions for. Our desires for the things mentioned are not in themselves bad.
They are perfectly legitimate. God it is who has set eternity in the hearts of men. Unfortunately, man in deliberate disregard for God supported by inflated, though wretched, ideas of his own independence seek the realization of the powers and capacities resident in him
But, we cannot by ourselves realize these dreams. And whether we acknowledge it or not, divinity is not idle as to the final expression of that which heaven has placed in us for ultimate realization. The Lord has made it known to us that man will live on forever, that all wrongs will be righted, that there shall be an expulsion of everything and every one that causes creation to groan by virtue of sin.
Very many Scripture verses satisfy our investigation as to the certainty of that which every believer in Christ look forward to. Immortality [1 Cor.15:53], Justice [Rom.12:19], Resurrection [1 Jn.3:2] renewal of the heavens and earth[2 Pt.2:13].
Our text declares that faith includes taking for granted in the present that all of these will ultimately and without fail, come to pass. However, even after the promises of God have been given, we still treat them as though they were fairy tales. What do you think, my brethren, that the era of Sadducees was peculiar to the earthly days of our Lord?
Even now, we have religions that do not believe in the existence of heaven or hell and judgment. Worse than this are those who mentally agree to the existence of these things but desist from preaching about them in their churches in order to be at “peace” with everyone! Talk about judgment and hell and you would be charged with threatening men and making them uncomfortable. The subtlety behind such crooked ministries is that they do not really believe in the fact that these things will be so. Therefore preaching them in the presence of modern man sounds offensive and brutish.
Friends, it matters not what men believe. The supreme issue is that God has spoken and His words will never fall to the ground nor prove barren. Whoever is filthy let him be filthy still, whoever is righteous let him be righteous still. Nothing goes on unnoticed. All will be accounted for [Heb.4:13]. This age will soon wind up and the Lord with His holy angels shall descend with a shout. The great verdict will be passed, and all who have trusted in God shall find heaven to be true while unbelieving souls shall find hell to be real. May the Lord save us from finding this out when it is too late.
But faith is not all about the future only. It is equally said to be the evidence of things not seen. Unfortunately, this statement to many, appear as though the apostolic writer in this second description was only re-stating the first definition in other words. That is not so. If we prayerfully ponder the meaning of this second statement, its meaning will readily become obvious.
Faith as the evidence of things not seen is a reference to the immediate present. In other words, faith means being sure of present spiritual realities which surrounds us and in the presence of which we live even though we cannot perceive those things depending merely on our physical senses.
Before we investigate what these things are, let me sadly but solemnly affirm that we do live in a world cursed with a passion for sight and limited by the organs of sense, hence the failure of the world to receive the Spirit of Christ.
But without digressing from our study, we must push our inquiry again. What are these present realities of which we talk about? Please turn to the first chapter of this same book, Hebrews, and in the very first verse, you will find the first word as the first answer.
What do we find? We find God. Many other things fall in line. Present realities, spiritual verities which the world remains out of contact with, include, as we have said, God, the spiritual world, the ministry of angels, answers to prayers, the intervention of divine power in the affairs of men. The denial of all these is the essence of atheism.
Describe the wonders and government of the spiritual world as functional in our midst today and the man of science asks, “where is proof?” It is written that the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him [Ps.34:7]. This was very practically true in the experience of Elisha who though surrounded by physical danger was nevertheless conscious of the proximity of divine protection[2.Kgs.6:17]. Daniel in the lion's den had a similar experience [Dan.6:22] and so did Peter in Herod‟s dungeon [Acts.12:11]. That ministry of angels did not then terminate with these men it is still very much functional today as ever [Zch.1:11].
In spite of all this examples, dare begin a discourse about God in His immanence and men will still think you mad. I always get an absurd look whenever people ask me, what work I do and I reply, “I work for God.” This ever presents an impossibility to the mind of men that anyone should so “deceive” himself into retaining such a relationship in unwavering confidence and standing assurance. Nonetheless, at least in my own experience, it is true and I have the honor of announcing that He never owes salaries.
Presently, with the intent of gaining further insight into our contemplation, we shall divide our study into three sub-topics, viz; The Reason for faith, the Response to faith and the Reward of Faith.
Taking the first of these, the reason for faith, we begin with an inquiry. On what basis should a man believe that there lies beyond the grave another life? Why should I take for granted that evil will be judged and good rewarded in some afterlife, when at the present I can manipulate others through selfish motives and means for the enrichment of my earthly existence? Why should I not set assassins on robbers who break into my house at night killed my only son and violated my matrimonial bed before depriving me of my hard-earned possessions?
The inquiry is genuine and if not openly, it has many a time been secretly asked even by devout souls, so that many tend to think, "Oh, I can't do this, I can't do that, am I not missing out my chances in life?"
Permit me please to answer that by saying to you, fellow soldier, that you are not. Perchance you ask still, “how's that?” Again I answer and very definitely so, “Because God has spoken.”
He that comes unto God must believe that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. If God has spoken, then it is enough and that settles it. The word of God is all that anyone needs to encourage him embark on the adventure of faith. But if the Lord is insufficient reason for you to make that sacred journey, then I am positive that no one and indeed no other reason will ever suffice.
By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen moved with godly fear--Heb.11:7 Noah heard the word of God and that was his reason for trusting God. Abraham in very unlikely circumstances heard God call and he waited for no petting or pushing [Heb.11:8]. If we patiently examine the lives of men and women of faith, we would discover that what turned their life around was the word of God which they heard and which precipitated an initial crisis that led to a radical break off from their previous direction of life.
Neither is this confined to Bible characters only. Martin Luther heard God's word and that was it. He disconnected with Rome. John Huss heard the word and He renounced his previous commitments to an empty religion. It shall be impossible to list all who have undergone this experience, for that will require that we write a whole volume.
But the same reason that compelled those men is very much in action among men today. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God--Rom.10:17. Do not then begin to wait for some vision where you expect God to appear and lay out His whole plan for you, do not wait till you have had a narrow escape from automobile accident or some dramatic encounter before you acknowledge His call. Indeed it is very possible, I hope, that there be some eyes tracing these lines who will readily testify that the initial crisis that resulted in their walk of faith is the word of God.
And that word of God still calls out today. More than any other age, we have the revelation of God fully and freely in our midst. It is presently impossible to claim I haven't heard from God. It is here with us written on every page of the Bible. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God[Rm.3:23]. The wages of sin is death [Rm.6:23], the soul that sins it shall die [Ezk.18:32] The wrath of God is revealed against unrighteousness and ungodliness [Rm.1:18]. Everything that works iniquity shall be subject to the second death [Rev.] Love not the world [1Jn.2:15], what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul [Mtt.16:26], the life of a man does not consist in the abundance of his possessions[Lk.12:15] “Enough!” someone says, “but you are only being cynical and even condemning me.” No, I deny it. I am only telling you God‟s word and if those utterances are searching and scorching you then the better for you. It is an unmistakable indication that the capacity for faith is being activated.
Please do not back-away. The list is not over. Listen to the words of God to you. Come unto Me [Mtt.11:28], though your sins be as scarlet [Isa.1:18], I will in no wise cast away [ Jn.6:37]. The Son of man came to seek the lost [Lk.19:10]. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life [Jn.3:16]. Set your affection on things above [Col.3:2], As many as believed in him and received him to them gave He power to become the children of God [Jn.1:12]
There you are. The word is given and the call comes knocking on the door of your heart but the choice remains yours. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by God's word. You have a right to ask why, what makes the word of God of paramount importance to traveling on the highway of faith. The reason is simple, I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes—Rm.1:17. The word of God is the power of God unto salvation. Everything is said.
We come to our second consideration. The response to faith; what ought to be the reply and response of man to the demands of the gospel. In the midst of our busy schedule or amidst the quiet of some holiday recreation, the word of God comes calling, either as we contemplate within ourselves or through some faithful citizen of the kingdom.
What then ought to be the response of man? To ask that rightly, what ought to be man‟s proper reply and response? Before we attempt any answer, I should draw your attention that never has the gospel or the word of God come to the awareness of man, saved or unsaved without demanding some response from man. It is absolutely imperative.
If God's word comes to me as an unsaved man, it demands I bow to the claims of the Lord as Savior and that I begin to live as please Him only. Does it come to me as a Christian believer? Then I find the word, placing a responsibility upon me to draw near into greater dependence on my God and Father and telling me to shed my weight where those weights include things that hinder me from deeper communion with him.
From the foregoing, it follows therefore that obedience is an indispensable reply and response to God's word if anyone desires to company with the heroes and heroines of faith. The difference between Noah and his generation was their response to the call of heaven. We have misread the story of Noah if we think it means that God spoke only to one man in the midst of an entire generation.
For over a century Noah called out to the people of his time telling them of the certainty of God, of imminent judgment and of actual salvation in the present. The call of God came to Noah as well as to the sons of his age. The man Noah and his family obeyed, the others disobeyed and even treated the man of God with scorn.
However, the word of God never falls to the ground. It is dependable because He who has spoken is faithful. Abraham not knowing where he was going nevertheless went out and it was counted for him as righteousness. Moses sacrificed the certainty of Pharaoh's courts for the uncertainty of the unknown wild. To obey is better than sacrifice. Every single man of faith worth mentioning trod this great path and it is not shocking that the Son of God was included [Heb.5:8].
No amount of prayers, fasting, giving or Bible reading can substitute for obedience to God‟s word. Cain disobeyed God preferring his own way and he was rejected [Gen.4:5]. Saul trying to substitute religion for obedience was promptly discarded [1 Sam.13:14]. Israel, the peculiar people of God were disobedient to the heavenly vision and by that attitude declared themselves unfit for the walk of faith and so doing inadvertently postponed their dealings with heaven [Mtt.23:39].
Friend, how many times has the word of God crossed your path? When will you yield to the great call? Turn aside and see for yourself, you will find that every command laid upon man by God is for the benefit of man and the destruction of every force that seeks to undo him.
Draw near, my friend, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Taste for yourself and see that the Lord is good, we have testimonies of over two millenniums of men from different races who have found obedience to be the true response to the call of God. It is good but not enough that you hear from some preacher or read from some book about the faith. Dare to prove it yourself, respond to the call and find that the Lord is indeed good.
Belief and trust in God is equally of paramount importance. This is no discussion on assent to Bible truth only. It demands a corresponding walk and movement in the direction of the conviction wrought in us by the principles we have come to acknowledge. The antithesis to this is unbelief, which is the immediate elder brother of disobedience.
Disobedience necessarily results from unbelief in the power of God and when taken together both very eloquently express pride. It is no secret that to the proud, God gives no grace. Notice it in the following passage. And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who did not obey? So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief—Heb.3:18-19.
We see unbelief and disobedience attracting the punishment of no grace and ultimately yielding destruction as its inevitable consequence. The issue with the Israelites is that, standing amidst the rocky fastness of the trackless wilderness, it was inconceivable to them that the God of heaven was present.
Human sense queried, “Where is the milk and honey you promised,” Carnality reasoned that if God was there in the wilderness couldn‟t He have whisked Israel to the promise land in some kind of rapture? Why must they be subject to wilderness experience? In spite of what God had done and what they had been through together, those people still saw Moses as seeking to rule over them!
Those unbelieving families cried like babies over necessities such as food and water [Num.11:10], thinking God had abandoned them in the wilderness they lost their vision of Him and indulged in sensuality of the basest form [1. Cor.10:7], foolishly reasoning that He was at a distance, they by their strength endeavored to battle without Him [Num.14:41-45]. Dear friends, the sober truth is that God was there in the wilderness where your fathers tested me—Heb.1:9.
Brethren mine, the danger we have today with the experience of the Israelites in the wilderness is that we find it very easy to see their fault without seeing ours, we are apt to condemn them but slow to realize that they were written for our examples and warning. They dangerously took presumption as a synonym for faith and very practically so do we even now. Many times I find students who neglect to study spending their time in programs and prayers presuming to call upon God in faith to bless the pen they‟ll use in the exam hall! I am never surprised that they come home with bad results in their examinations. How could a person not qualified for a job go seeking the job and expecting that the Lord will favor him above all other applicants who are waiting for the same job? Yet this is what we see daily. It is not uncommon to see sick people die in the church halls because they neglected medical attention and stayed confined for months to the church premises while being prayed for. Indeed, this has resulted in unbelievers around severely criticizing the Lord, resenting the Christian faith and even doubting His power to heal. How many times in our assemblies do we see people holding out their international passports and praying for favor to get a visa when they have not been paying their taxes?
God may effect a miracle but I do not think He gives countenance to magic. Lots of people have prayed their way, having prepared as much as depend on them, to success in their exams, others have favorably secured jobs where they have no close ties with the employers. Many have doubtless encountered the healing power of God where the help of man would have been useless, still several others have enjoyed the presence and power of God in answers to their prayers.
Presumption dangerously manifests in very different forms in our worship and prayers today. May God save us from that habit of reading the word of God merely for entertainment or to just gain knowledge. May He even deliver us from that more subtle peril of scanning these records only for purposes of preaching without noticing their applications to us as condemning our unbelief. We must learn from the experience of Israel in the wilderness. The records are there for us to benefit from.
Does it seem to you like God is absent though you are in the midst of very trying circumstances? Has the seeming uncertainty of provision for your basic needs led you into an outrage against God?
Notice how you have not ceased to ask, “Why does evil always triumph without check?” But stop and think, isn't your vision of God fading and isn‟t your heart beginning to yield to the wooing of mundane things? Perhaps you are even tempted to lessen your guard a little. Maybe, you think the enterprise of God in this world has failed, you account the children of heaven to be losers and you presently give subtle consideration to the possibility of being of the world and of the Lord. Banish the thought! Ah, the deceitfulness of sin, the lie of the arch-enemy of the Christian's faith!
Hearken, my friends, unto the apostle, Do not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?—2Cor.6:14- 15
There can be no compromise. An unholy pairing of oneself with the age, that unspiritual manner of comparing ourselves with others or measuring the success of our lives by worldly standards will only amount to unbelief and gradually to disobedience.
Rather, Let us hold fast to what we have heard, lest we drift away from the place of safety. As you notice the figure used, don't forget, I pray, that drifting never describes instantaneous fall. It indicates shifting in slow motion until collapse is inevitable. To state it otherwise, drifting is slowly moving away from the place of focus either in smooth sailing waters of ease or some soporific breeze.
Brothers and sisters, check your doubt, that bereavement, that business failure, that you are forsaken by family and friends is no reason to doubt the existence of God. He exists, heaven is real, hell is real. Jesus will inevitably rule, and to the believing, His coming will be the reign of righteousness to Christians, to the unbelieving it is the rule of iron.
Why do you weep dear sister? Bereavement? Up and courage, do not sorrow as those who have no hope. The living shall by no means precede those who are asleep. Your loved ones who slept in the Lord are with the Him and you shall see them again.
Brother, what is your despair? Business failure? Oh faithless and slow of heart to believe what the Lord has said. What shall it profit a man if he gains the world? The life of a man does not consist in the abundance of things he has. It is God that gives power to get wealth.
Do thy friends despise forsake thee thou lonely soul? Look unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith. Briefly consider the sequence of His life with me please: First, He was gladly and generally received [Mtt.8:1], then his family misunderstood him [Jn.7:3-5], with time the Pharisees became actively hostile to Him [Mtt.12:14], then His general disciples walked no more with Him [Jn.6:66], suddenly the multitude became thirsty for His blood[Mtt.27:23], and at last the twelve disciples forsook Him and fled [Mtt.26:56]. The circle continued to close in upon Him as it got smaller and smaller and smaller. Nevertheless He journeyed in indescribable loneliness and unutterable agony till His passion was consummated.
Do not misunderstand me please; His was not the case of a victim. That is not the picture I am painting, rather I am saying that in spite of the hostility and in spite of the betrayal of men, He faced that lonely route and traveled with infinite courage and supreme majesty until He dragged the devil out and spoiled him thoroughly by destroying his works, even through death which has been the devil's chief means of tormenting men [Heb.2:15]. Death itself He has forever seized making him only a porter at the gate of life instead of that foe whom men dread the cold steps of his approach. Christ, our Lord has ascended on high receiving gifts for men and shedding it upon them, interceding for us and exalted by the right hand of the Father.
I do not care if you accuse me of digressing from the point of this study. I cannot but be joyful in the presence of such stupendous victory. But the honest soul must inquire still, how did the Lord do it? Why was He not depressed as men broke away from Him as we would be when a single relationship is broken? The answer is our point of discussion. He was obedient to God and unbelief had no place in Him. He had unwavering trust in the one who could save Him and who was always near Him and happy was the result. Was he then by all forsaken?
Today He sings, I will declare Your name to My brethren; in the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You. Here am I and the children whom God has given Me--Heb.2:12-13. He is no longer treading that awful path of loneliness, rather He is exalted in glory as president and founder of the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven. to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect—Heb. 12:23
Sir and Ma, the life of faith is a daring one. It calls you into swimming against the currents, puts you into opposition against all conventionality and sets you on a path that appears ridiculous to the world. It is a radical adventure but believe me it is worth undertaking.
Don't be deceived. It is no child's play. It certainly will draw ridicule from those who see you. Even more than contempt, it will elicit pity from many and others by their faith will invite persecution. Oh, that we would away with all those who preach and tell us that once we give our lives to Christ, He is obligated to ensure us a smooth ride through this life.
Nay, away with such a gospel! We would not offer to our God that which costs us nothing. Even if the world will do its worst, we choose to join with the faith of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who declined to bow to any man-made deity [Dan.3:16-18], They knew the word of God and would not consciously violate it [Ex.20:3]. Glory to God! May the Lord help us to put our implicit trust in Him even in a world where He is not appreciated. When we do so, even if the unbeliever is yet to own Jesus as Lord and Savior, the fact yet remains. It cannot be denied, not even by the unsaved man, that we are responding to something of which we are very sure and which is undeniably working for our good, satisfying us and lighting our faces with joy and warmth such as cannot be merely feigned.
Let me put that very simply. In between the things hoped for and the things not perceived on one hand, against men of the world on the other, stands the Christian believer.
The realities of a living God, the certainty of a city whose builder is God, the immanence of the spirit world, the ministry of angels, and resurrection beyond the grave can only be seen and known by unbelieving men as the Christian believer is true to that vision by wholly submitting to God and unfailingly directing his life in a perpetual endeavor after the realization of what he knows to be true.
The man who doesn't believe in God will behold in you whom they know like themselves carry every tendency of failure and folly, overpowering and mastering surrounding vices while proceeding with a definite consciousness as a citizen of a higher kingdom amidst the passing and perishing things that characterize our probationary days.
Even younger believers, failing believers and discouraged ones, are assuredly waiting to gather strength to journey on in courage when we maintain unwavering trust in the Lord casting all our care and burdens upon Him [1Pt.5:7]. They equally behold, the Christian employing the powers of the unseen world where necessary and whether you know it or not, my fellow pilgrims, this always lead men to take your life as an undeniable evidence of an unseen but ever present supply whose sufficiency transcends the borders of earthly life.
Scripture gives us example of this, Elijah was a man of with a nature like ours and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months and he prayed again and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit Jam. 5:17-18. That was one of us. If man had declared the law as impracticable because abstract to him, then believers are men in whom the Spirit of Christ resides and through whom we can see the realities of things hoped for and acknowledge things not seen.
Let me speak to your soul as well as to mine. Are you o believing Christian, a constant picture of heaven? When men come cross your path in this life do they by virtue of that meeting have a foretaste of the world to come? Is your life a true proof of the existence of God, of coming judgment, of the angels and the eternities? Or is your manner of living a bad exposition on things hoped for? Among those who know you do you constitute a blasphemous commentary on evidence of things not seen? Are you sure that the mere title Christian is not the only difference between you and spiritually unwashed souls?
If you are wanting in your replies, then in the name of God, please retrace your steps. Let us put to death your members which are on the earth, fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire and covetousness which is idolatry—Col.3:5. This was the faithful reaction of ancients. It was in obeying this injunction that they rightly discovered and confessed themselves pilgrims and strangers for the things listed are all that the world, the flesh and the devil have to offer. And these, did the faithful of old set themselves against. Can the same be said of you? I leave the question for you to answer.
Finally, we approach the reward. What is the reward of faith? God has spoken, I do not dispute it. That I have replied to His call and have yielded every department of my life to Him trusting His promises, that I can readily testify to, but the question remains, to what end is all of this? What is it that shall be given me that can truly satisfy me so that I know indeed that the life of faith in God has been truly worth it? Certain people have over the years dismissed this inquiry as selfish. But every student of the Bible will find that even the disciples of the Lord asked this very question.
That the followers of Jesus asked the same question does not in itself justify it. That which makes the question relevant and legitimate is the simple fact that when confronted with the inquiry, our Lord did not by any means rebuke His disciples. Instead, He acknowledged it and treated the question as worth asking.
May I then seek to draw the attention of all those in whose hearts the question continues as unanswered to the life of Abraham the pilgrim. The patriarch Abraham is renowned for being the father of faith. This man who heard God call him, had faith in the same God and demonstrated it by placing his trust in the promises of the unseen God so much that it was counted unto him for righteousness.
But a time came when Abraham having met enemy kings in battle and conquered them was to be faced with the temptation of receiving some material reward from the king of Sodom who had benefited from Abraham's conquest.
The Lord sending Melchizedek met the pilgrim and offered to share communion with him. Abraham understood the spiritual import of that meeting and it is no surprise that he turned down the reward of the king of Sodom whom he met afterwards. Aner and Eschol were offered rewards, we do not know for sure if they accepted it, but in all probability they did. First, notice that we never heard of them again after that encounter. They had been rewarded.
Second, the Lord said one of the most illuminative things about Himself to Abraham a man of faith, which millenniums after has continued to encourage every single pilgrim of Faith in Christ. What then did the Lord say to that ancient pilgrim, let our hearts be filled with music and awe as we listen to the great declaration, I am your shield your exceedingly great reward--Gen.15:1. Blessed be the Lord. Again it is not recorded that Aner or Eschol heard the same promise.
Follow through the outline of our study and the message is clear. God the origin, God the sustainer, God the ultimate. And the Scripture is fulfilled, For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen. -- Rm.11:36
As have been earlier stated, there has been much talk about rewards in Christian circles. It is an issue that over the years have excited the interests of many and have provoked much curiosity. Without taking your time, I submit that God is the present desire and ultimate reward of the Christian. The idea of rewards being packaged and parceled out in the fashion that we give awards to brilliant students is very ridiculous. Heaven is not about amassing goods. Indeed we are never said to be anticipating awards but rewards.
The formers talks of items been packaged and given out to deserving candidates while the former emphasizes getting what has all along been our heart desire. I do not doubt for a moment that God is the desire of us true believers. To be unsatisfied with so great a reward will instantly reveal a thorough lack of knowledge on the Person of God.
Anything short of having the Lord as our reward is to have run in vain. Capacities may and indeed must differ in appropriating Him [1Cor.15:41] but the underlying fact nevertheless remains that God Himself is the reward we anticipate, just as He presently is the sustainer of our pilgrim life [2Cor.12:9].
The great apostle of old declared that we, that is, believers in Christ, presently know in part but we shall later know as we [ all believers] are known. God is our reward.
Since this is so, then we do well to resume our pilgrim character. Let us follow the examples of those who have gone this way before. How did Moses keep himself in line for the reward? He endured as seeing Him who is invisible--Heb.11:27. How did Abraham and Sarah make it? If they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return--Heb.11:15 What is common to all who were soldiers of the faith? Not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection--Heb.11:35
Indeed both Scriptures and history records the stories of many who have clearly seen the flaming vision, the reality of things unseen and have journeyed towards the goal at all costs. And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives to the death—Rev.12:11
Brothers and sisters, endurance remains the key. If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. Even our Lord who is the captain of our salvation was perfected through suffering yet He is presently vindicated having been exalted to the right hand of God.
His vindication has not approached full and final consummation, for when He harvests us from the great fields of this world as His reward, everything shall be delivered to Him and He will deliver all to our ultimate Reward, even God Himself.
As we draw the message to a close, I will have you remember my dear friends, that even those who will not read the Bible will see you, know you and will read you. Taking that for granted, therefore what manner of persons ought yet to be in all holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved. Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and being blameless—2Pt.3:11-14.
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast,
immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord,
knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord--1 Cor.15:58